Use the power of journaling and true self love to real life your soul desires 

You are made for more, and whatever having ‘more’ means to you in your life, whether that’s more passion, freedom, fulfillment, money, material success, or all of this and beyond - it’s a desire for you because it’s meant for you. 

You are meant to manifest it all into your life and the fastest way to make all of that happen, is to love yourself. 

But, I’m not talking about the social media hype version of self love. Nope. 

That surface level of self love that’s shared in cliche quotes, and visions of bubble baths, massages, shopping, champagne and chocolates is fun, and it’ll make you feel good for a hot minute, but you deserve more than that!

You deserve to experience what it truly feels like to love yourself.

Fully and unconditionally...

In every moment of your life, regardless of what you are, or aren’t doing! 

And that level of self love - true self love - means getting really real with yourself (aka, calling yourself out on your BS!) and identifying the sneaky, hidden ways of being that are keeping you stuck, letting them TF go and elevating all the way up!

And that's exactly what this journal will support you with.


Breaking the unconscious thoughts and ways of being that are keeping you stuck


Learning to be yourself unapologetically and step deeper into your power


Feeling at peace in your mind and at home within yourself and your body always

All of this = aligning with your soul desires, and receiving them into your life

(And as Jayden, my Son would say - "that's a W!")


The Soul Love Journal

In this journal, I've created an experience that'll be like having me as your coach for 21 days. Each carefully curated coaching question provides an opportunity for deep self-reflection and personal growth that will inch you closer to being able to create the full life your soul is calling you to (and that you deserve to have.)

It's all possible for you and it starts with the quality of the most important relationship in your life - the one with yourself.

Here’s what you’ll get when you buy The Soul Love Journal


Your Journal

Downloadable journal that you can use digitally, or print, and includes 6 printable quotes that you can frame to further support you on your Soul Love journey.


Bonus Questions

Wanna dive deeper? Or maybe you wanna take your journey beyond 21 days? Either way, I've got you with 30 more powerful questions to support your transformation.


Forgiveness Meditation

A beautiful guided meditation to support you in releasing old, crappy energy and opening you up to feel, and receive more love in your life.

It’s time for you to be there for yourself in a way like never before and to turn up your level of self love, respect, worth, belief and all the other ingredients that add up to a healthy and happy loving relationship with yourself.

If you’re only about surface level healing and you’re not ready to dig a little deeper, then this probably isn’t the journal for you!

But, if you’re serious about cultivating a deep, healthy and loving relationship with the most important person in your life - you! Then Soul Love is for you.

I want you to live a life you love not just materially, but inside of yourself too. That’s having it all.

Just imagine how different your life could be 6 months from now. A year from now, all because you chose to love every single part of who you are. Your past, your present and your future.

You are made for more and loving you soul deep is how you real life it all.

Your future self is waiting for you.

Buy now for only £28


Can I use this on my tablet, or do I need to print it?

You can use it whichever way works best for you! Wanna use it on your computer/tablet? Just edit right into the PDF. More of a pen & paper person like Jade? Just print it!

How much is the journal? And are the bonus questions and meditation extra?

The investment for the journal is just £18, and the bonus questions and the meditation are included in that price :-)

How is this journal different to similar ones?

It has been created by an accredited coach with over a decade of practical and life experiences.

It focusses on the questions that are really going to help you experience positive shifts in your relationship with yourself, without the fluff!

Do I need to do anything special to make this journal work for me?

The way to make this journal work best for you is to use it every day for 21 days (as it's been designed for you to do) and be fully committed to it.

Ideally, schedule the same time to do it everyday and make that time just for you - uninterrupted. You deserve it!

Do you ship Internationally? How long will it take?

The beauty of a digital product is that it can be delivered anywhere in the world, as long as you have a valid email address! And it'll be in your inbox pretty much as soon as you've completed your purchase!

What happens if I change my mind after I've bought The Soul Love Journal?

Because this is a digital product, it is not able to be returned, or exchanged if you change your mind after you've bought it.

If there is a genuine issue with the product, please reach out and we will of course do our best to resolve it.

© Copyright 2023 | Jade Stoner