Do you have a growing niggle inside of you telling you that there’s more available for you in your life?

Are you tired of trying to create the life your soul is calling you towards purely through books, webinars, YouTube videos and podcasts?! 

Does the thought of doing yet another online course or program make you wanna give up on your journey and say F it all?!

Or are you just straight up ready for high level, bespoke coaching that will help you elevate your life? All of the above?

You’re in the right place and you’re here reading this right now for a reason.

It’s clear that you’re ready for more and I’m here to help you. 

I'm Jade

I’m an accredited coach and I’ve been studying both personal and spiritual growth since early 2010. That’s over 10 years in the game and counting and I’m damn good at what I do! Both my professional and personal experiences give me a unique and broad perspective to best serve you and your individual needs. No cookie cutter coaching here! 

You’re ready for more and the time is now.

Accredited Master Coach

Certified EFT Practitioner

Trauma Informed Certified

Obsessed with personal & spiritual growth since 2010

A whole lotta life experience!

Intuitively gifted

So, you want more in your life. More happiness, success, love, sex, inner fulfillment, money, health, freedom, impact...all of this and more. You want it all.

And even though there’s a part of you that knows all of this, there is another part of you, unconsciously holding you back.

And that same part might be telling you it’s not ok for you to want more, you should be happy with what you have because ‘it’s not that bad’ and compromise is a part of life, blah, blah. I get it.

I’ve been there, done it, couldn’t afford the f*ing tshirt!

Seriously though, despite what most of society’s programming, your family and friends etc might tell you, it’s ok for you to want more.

There’s nothing ‘wrong’ with you and you’re not bad, greedy selfish, shallow, or any of the other BS we’re made to feel for wanting more.

Your desires are in you for a reason. Growth is a natural expression of who you are and why you came here to this thing called life.

Your part in helping to bring your inner desires to life, is to start clearing all of your unconscious crap that you’re holding onto (note the word unconscious as in you won’t always be able to recognise it by yourself) that’s holding you back from reaching your full potential.

And that’s where a great coach comes in.


From the very first moment I spoke with Jade, I was overwhelmed by a wave of warmth and comfort. Her soothing voice, her words of encouragement, and her compassionate approach were exactly what I needed to truly understand myself, my desires, and my untapped potential. With her gentle yet unwavering guidance, Jade fearlessly led me to explore uncharted territories that I had hesitated to confront before. Our conversations flowed effortlessly, devoid of any judgment or pressure to make hasty decisions. I was deeply grateful for the myriad of ways she employed to assist me on my journey, and even after our sessions concluded, she continued to stay connected, demonstrating her genuine care at a profound level. I cannot emphasize enough that beyond being a professional and expert in her field, Jade is, above all, an extraordinary and compassionate soul whom I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have crossed paths with. Thank you, Jade, for simply being you!


It’s time for you to align your inner and outer world so that you can live a life that not only looks amazing for the Gram, but one that actually feels amazing on the inside too.

It’s time for you to have it all.

I work with you on your inner game and together we’ll break the unhelpful cycles, beliefs, stories and thoughts that are keeping you stuck and help you to shift your perspectives so that you can align your mind and your soul for high vibe success in all areas of your life - the life your soul is yearning for.


3 months, or 6 months

Whatever feels right for you

Me, You + Zoom

Every other week for 90 mins

Voxer Support

Access in between our calls

The occasional soul assignment to help you anchor in your transformation

You being ready and willing to

go all in on you

Investment starts from £5,888 and is by application only


Being supported by Jade is one of the best things that has happened for me these past months. She always comes with the good questions when I am facing a difficult situation. I always feel supported and welcomed as I am with no judgement. There is only the desire to help me tremendously. What I love even more is that she helps me shift how I see the world

and it's really precious for me to be surrounded by her energy. I 10000% recommend you to work with her ! You will thank me later!


I once told Jade she felt like a big sister to me. With her 10 years of experience and with a few similarities in both our stories, she always gives me insights that would have taken me much more time to figure out by myself. She knows how to trigger me, but in a very loving way. She asks the right questions and pushes me to see the truth in things. She’s an amazing coach and I recommend her 100%


I’ve been fortunate enough to be coached by Jade on several occasions and what I love most about Jade is that she really gets to the question behind the question. So sometimes you feel like something isn’t happening, or you feel stuck & then the beautiful thing is that Jade always helps you go to that layer underneath - that one that you didn’t see yourself. I highly recommend that you get some coaching from Jade! She’s the best & she will always help you to get unstuck & move on


Now, I get that it might feel a little (ok, a lot) scary to invest in yourself, especially if this is your first time investing at this level.

You’re not alone!

I remember investing in my first coach...thousands of pounds that my ego told me - no assured me - that I had no business spending in that way. And it wasn’t as though I had the money, or a sure way to get it. I absolutely did not! I didn’t have a credit card, couldn’t get a loan to pay for it, didn’t have anybody to borrow from.

All I had at the time was £300 in savings, which I used as a deposit and then had to figure out how to fit the monthly payments into my already deficit monthly budget! (Oh, and at the time I was in around £30k of debt too, and this was a high, 4-figure investment!) 

But I knew something had to give. 

I saw how I’d been doing some version of the same thing over and over again for the longest time. I’d read all the books, been to all the seminars, watched ‘The Secret’ I don’t know how many times, I’d done all that was ‘supposed’ to do that equalled success...but it just wasn’t working out the way it was supposed to and I started to feel like there was legit something wrong with me.

I saw other people living their dreams, why not me? 

I heard a whisper that reminded me that ‘for things to change, I had to change.’ Only then would I have a chance of creating the life I wanted.

It was scary AF for me to spend that money.

But do you know what scared me more? Nothing changing. I took a leap of faith and made a commitment to myself with that first transaction and that was the start of a powerful transformation in my life.

I am so, so grateful that I trusted myself, listened to my soul and made that investment.

It changed my life.And now I’m here to support you in experiencing your own transformation.

It’s no accident that you’re here reading this right now. Your soul led you here for a reason.

You’re worthy of so.much.more beautiful soul and your time is now.I look forward to helping you to create a life you love inside and out.


Suspendisse pulvinar, metus vitae finibus interdum, nunc nibh interdum sem, nec tempus ante ante quis nisi.

© Copyright 2023 | Jade Stoner