Welcome to the Spiritual & Sexy Blog.
If you're on a mission to create and live your best life, and there's something inside of you telling you that there's more for you, then you're in the right place!
You understand the concept of charging your phone. If it’s got a low battery, you plug it in and leave it to recharge. It can sometimes be slower to function if the battery is low and it can’t do anything if the battery is flat...but, do you consider the same principles with yourself?
Just like a phone battery holds a certain amount of energy, so do you. Every day you wake up, you have an amount of energy to expend during that day, and this is important to understand.
In our society, we’ve been conditioned that we should run at full speed - all the time. It perpetuates that when you are busy and your days are full, that you are more valuable, important and worthy - but, here’s the thing. You are all of those things and more regardless of how busy you are. Because of this way of thinking and being, we have a society that is constantly tired, relying on things outside of themself to give them energy such as drinks, sugar and other stimulants. Whilst these things may boost your energy levels for a short time, you end up crashing back down at some point. First off, these quick fixes aren’t healthy for you, or your body and secondly, if you ‘crash,’ is it really that effective?
If you think of your life as a bucket that holds your energy, when you are not managing your energy properly, it’s a bit like having a hole in your bucket! No matter how much you pour in, you’ll never catch up (sound a bit like your sleeping habits?!) Being continually exhausted isn’t success, and you don’t have to settle for it.
Remember, the goal for your life isn’t to be running at full speed all the time. Just like nature ebbs and flows, so do you. Be mindful of that and do your best to work with it, particularly as a creative.
Take time to rest and relax throughout your day. Research shows that regular periods of rest melt your stress away. Taking time out to practice things like yoga and meditation for example also lower heart rates, blood pressure and oxygen consumption, along with alleviating hypertension, arthritis, insomnia, depression, infertility, cancer and anxiety.
If you’re thinking that your busy schedule doesn’t allow for time for you, I want you to understand that this doesn’t have to be hours and hours a day. Even 10 minutes in meditation a day can drastically change your world. Schedule the time for you in the same way that you schedule your time for auditions, studio time, training etc. And, if you’re still not convinced, consider this. If you don’t find the time to rest and recharge, how long will it be before your body gives up and you’re resigned to ill health? Do you have time for that?
Your battery, just like your phone battery needs to be recharged. Doing this regularly will help you to centre and align yourself and less prone to the downward spiral of thoughts and feelings that can lead to all sorts of health issues.
Your health is important - mental and physical. Make time for you and time to recharge a conscious priority and start reaping the benefits. You deserve it.
Big love
You understand the concept of charging your phone. If it’s got a low battery, you plug it in and leave it to recharge. It can sometimes be slower to function if the battery is low and it can’t do anything if the battery is flat...but, do you consider the same principles with yourself?
Just like a phone battery holds a certain amount of energy, so do you. Every day you wake up, you have an amount of energy to expend during that day, and this is important to understand.
In our society, we’ve been conditioned that we should run at full speed - all the time. It perpetuates that when you are busy and your days are full, that you are more valuable, important and worthy - but, here’s the thing. You are all of those things and more regardless of how busy you are. Because of this way of thinking and being, we have a society that is constantly tired, relying on things outside of themself to give them energy such as drinks, sugar and other stimulants. Whilst these things may boost your energy levels for a short time, you end up crashing back down at some point. First off, these quick fixes aren’t healthy for you, or your body and secondly, if you ‘crash,’ is it really that effective?
If you think of your life as a bucket that holds your energy, when you are not managing your energy properly, it’s a bit like having a hole in your bucket! No matter how much you pour in, you’ll never catch up (sound a bit like your sleeping habits?!) Being continually exhausted isn’t success, and you don’t have to settle for it.
Remember, the goal for your life isn’t to be running at full speed all the time. Just like nature ebbs and flows, so do you. Be mindful of that and do your best to work with it, particularly as a creative.
Take time to rest and relax throughout your day. Research shows that regular periods of rest melt your stress away. Taking time out to practice things like yoga and meditation for example also lower heart rates, blood pressure and oxygen consumption, along with alleviating hypertension, arthritis, insomnia, depression, infertility, cancer and anxiety.
If you’re thinking that your busy schedule doesn’t allow for time for you, I want you to understand that this doesn’t have to be hours and hours a day. Even 10 minutes in meditation a day can drastically change your world. Schedule the time for you in the same way that you schedule your time for auditions, studio time, training etc. And, if you’re still not convinced, consider this. If you don’t find the time to rest and recharge, how long will it be before your body gives up and you’re resigned to ill health? Do you have time for that?
Your battery, just like your phone battery needs to be recharged. Doing this regularly will help you to centre and align yourself and less prone to the downward spiral of thoughts and feelings that can lead to all sorts of health issues.
Your health is important - mental and physical. Make time for you and time to recharge a conscious priority and start reaping the benefits. You deserve it.
Big love
You understand the concept of charging your phone. If it’s got a low battery, you plug it in and leave it to recharge. It can sometimes be slower to function if the battery is low and it can’t do anything if the battery is flat...but, do you consider the same principles with yourself?
Just like a phone battery holds a certain amount of energy, so do you. Every day you wake up, you have an amount of energy to expend during that day, and this is important to understand.
In our society, we’ve been conditioned that we should run at full speed - all the time. It perpetuates that when you are busy and your days are full, that you are more valuable, important and worthy - but, here’s the thing. You are all of those things and more regardless of how busy you are. Because of this way of thinking and being, we have a society that is constantly tired, relying on things outside of themself to give them energy such as drinks, sugar and other stimulants. Whilst these things may boost your energy levels for a short time, you end up crashing back down at some point. First off, these quick fixes aren’t healthy for you, or your body and secondly, if you ‘crash,’ is it really that effective?
If you think of your life as a bucket that holds your energy, when you are not managing your energy properly, it’s a bit like having a hole in your bucket! No matter how much you pour in, you’ll never catch up (sound a bit like your sleeping habits?!) Being continually exhausted isn’t success, and you don’t have to settle for it.
Remember, the goal for your life isn’t to be running at full speed all the time. Just like nature ebbs and flows, so do you. Be mindful of that and do your best to work with it, particularly as a creative.
Take time to rest and relax throughout your day. Research shows that regular periods of rest melt your stress away. Taking time out to practice things like yoga and meditation for example also lower heart rates, blood pressure and oxygen consumption, along with alleviating hypertension, arthritis, insomnia, depression, infertility, cancer and anxiety.
If you’re thinking that your busy schedule doesn’t allow for time for you, I want you to understand that this doesn’t have to be hours and hours a day. Even 10 minutes in meditation a day can drastically change your world. Schedule the time for you in the same way that you schedule your time for auditions, studio time, training etc. And, if you’re still not convinced, consider this. If you don’t find the time to rest and recharge, how long will it be before your body gives up and you’re resigned to ill health? Do you have time for that?
Your battery, just like your phone battery needs to be recharged. Doing this regularly will help you to centre and align yourself and less prone to the downward spiral of thoughts and feelings that can lead to all sorts of health issues.
Your health is important - mental and physical. Make time for you and time to recharge a conscious priority and start reaping the benefits. You deserve it.
Big love
You understand the concept of charging your phone. If it’s got a low battery, you plug it in and leave it to recharge. It can sometimes be slower to function if the battery is low and it can’t do anything if the battery is flat...but, do you consider the same principles with yourself?
Just like a phone battery holds a certain amount of energy, so do you. Every day you wake up, you have an amount of energy to expend during that day, and this is important to understand.
In our society, we’ve been conditioned that we should run at full speed - all the time. It perpetuates that when you are busy and your days are full, that you are more valuable, important and worthy - but, here’s the thing. You are all of those things and more regardless of how busy you are. Because of this way of thinking and being, we have a society that is constantly tired, relying on things outside of themself to give them energy such as drinks, sugar and other stimulants. Whilst these things may boost your energy levels for a short time, you end up crashing back down at some point. First off, these quick fixes aren’t healthy for you, or your body and secondly, if you ‘crash,’ is it really that effective?
If you think of your life as a bucket that holds your energy, when you are not managing your energy properly, it’s a bit like having a hole in your bucket! No matter how much you pour in, you’ll never catch up (sound a bit like your sleeping habits?!) Being continually exhausted isn’t success, and you don’t have to settle for it.
Remember, the goal for your life isn’t to be running at full speed all the time. Just like nature ebbs and flows, so do you. Be mindful of that and do your best to work with it, particularly as a creative.
Take time to rest and relax throughout your day. Research shows that regular periods of rest melt your stress away. Taking time out to practice things like yoga and meditation for example also lower heart rates, blood pressure and oxygen consumption, along with alleviating hypertension, arthritis, insomnia, depression, infertility, cancer and anxiety.
If you’re thinking that your busy schedule doesn’t allow for time for you, I want you to understand that this doesn’t have to be hours and hours a day. Even 10 minutes in meditation a day can drastically change your world. Schedule the time for you in the same way that you schedule your time for auditions, studio time, training etc. And, if you’re still not convinced, consider this. If you don’t find the time to rest and recharge, how long will it be before your body gives up and you’re resigned to ill health? Do you have time for that?
Your battery, just like your phone battery needs to be recharged. Doing this regularly will help you to centre and align yourself and less prone to the downward spiral of thoughts and feelings that can lead to all sorts of health issues.
Your health is important - mental and physical. Make time for you and time to recharge a conscious priority and start reaping the benefits. You deserve it.
Big love
Jade Stoner is a Spiritual Life Coach, Entrepreneur and host of the Soul Growth Podcast. For over 10 years, Jade has been obsessed with personal and spiritual growth and combined with her lived wisdom, and training as a master coach, Jade has created a global, trauma informed brand that empowers women and men to create inner success and live the life their soul is calling them to. She believes that we are all made for more.
Jade has featured on multiple podcasts sharing her message, and her work has been published in Medium, Elephant Journal and Thrive Global. When she’s not in work mode, Jade spends her time enjoying the simple things that make her happy. She lives in the UK with her son, Jayden.
You understand the concept of charging your phone. If it’s got a low battery, you plug it in and leave it to recharge. It can sometimes be slower to function if the battery is low and it can’t do anything if the battery is flat...but, do you consider the same principles with yourself?
Just like a phone battery holds a certain amount of energy, so do you. Every day you wake up, you have an amount of energy to expend during that day, and this is important to understand.
In our society, we’ve been conditioned that we should run at full speed - all the time. It perpetuates that when you are busy and your days are full, that you are more valuable, important and worthy - but, here’s the thing. You are all of those things and more regardless of how busy you are. Because of this way of thinking and being, we have a society that is constantly tired, relying on things outside of themself to give them energy such as drinks, sugar and other stimulants. Whilst these things may boost your energy levels for a short time, you end up crashing back down at some point. First off, these quick fixes aren’t healthy for you, or your body and secondly, if you ‘crash,’ is it really that effective?
If you think of your life as a bucket that holds your energy, when you are not managing your energy properly, it’s a bit like having a hole in your bucket! No matter how much you pour in, you’ll never catch up (sound a bit like your sleeping habits?!) Being continually exhausted isn’t success, and you don’t have to settle for it.
Remember, the goal for your life isn’t to be running at full speed all the time. Just like nature ebbs and flows, so do you. Be mindful of that and do your best to work with it, particularly as a creative.
Take time to rest and relax throughout your day. Research shows that regular periods of rest melt your stress away. Taking time out to practice things like yoga and meditation for example also lower heart rates, blood pressure and oxygen consumption, along with alleviating hypertension, arthritis, insomnia, depression, infertility, cancer and anxiety.
If you’re thinking that your busy schedule doesn’t allow for time for you, I want you to understand that this doesn’t have to be hours and hours a day. Even 10 minutes in meditation a day can drastically change your world. Schedule the time for you in the same way that you schedule your time for auditions, studio time, training etc. And, if you’re still not convinced, consider this. If you don’t find the time to rest and recharge, how long will it be before your body gives up and you’re resigned to ill health? Do you have time for that?
Your battery, just like your phone battery needs to be recharged. Doing this regularly will help you to centre and align yourself and less prone to the downward spiral of thoughts and feelings that can lead to all sorts of health issues.
Your health is important - mental and physical. Make time for you and time to recharge a conscious priority and start reaping the benefits. You deserve it.
Big love
I agree to receiving the occasional marketing email and text/Whatsapp messages from Jade and understand I can unsubscribe at any time. No love lost!
You understand the concept of charging your phone. If it’s got a low battery, you plug it in and leave it to recharge. It can sometimes be slower to function if the battery is low and it can’t do anything if the battery is flat...but, do you consider the same principles with yourself?
Just like a phone battery holds a certain amount of energy, so do you. Every day you wake up, you have an amount of energy to expend during that day, and this is important to understand.
In our society, we’ve been conditioned that we should run at full speed - all the time. It perpetuates that when you are busy and your days are full, that you are more valuable, important and worthy - but, here’s the thing. You are all of those things and more regardless of how busy you are. Because of this way of thinking and being, we have a society that is constantly tired, relying on things outside of themself to give them energy such as drinks, sugar and other stimulants. Whilst these things may boost your energy levels for a short time, you end up crashing back down at some point. First off, these quick fixes aren’t healthy for you, or your body and secondly, if you ‘crash,’ is it really that effective?
If you think of your life as a bucket that holds your energy, when you are not managing your energy properly, it’s a bit like having a hole in your bucket! No matter how much you pour in, you’ll never catch up (sound a bit like your sleeping habits?!) Being continually exhausted isn’t success, and you don’t have to settle for it.
Remember, the goal for your life isn’t to be running at full speed all the time. Just like nature ebbs and flows, so do you. Be mindful of that and do your best to work with it, particularly as a creative.
Take time to rest and relax throughout your day. Research shows that regular periods of rest melt your stress away. Taking time out to practice things like yoga and meditation for example also lower heart rates, blood pressure and oxygen consumption, along with alleviating hypertension, arthritis, insomnia, depression, infertility, cancer and anxiety.
If you’re thinking that your busy schedule doesn’t allow for time for you, I want you to understand that this doesn’t have to be hours and hours a day. Even 10 minutes in meditation a day can drastically change your world. Schedule the time for you in the same way that you schedule your time for auditions, studio time, training etc. And, if you’re still not convinced, consider this. If you don’t find the time to rest and recharge, how long will it be before your body gives up and you’re resigned to ill health? Do you have time for that?
Your battery, just like your phone battery needs to be recharged. Doing this regularly will help you to centre and align yourself and less prone to the downward spiral of thoughts and feelings that can lead to all sorts of health issues.
Your health is important - mental and physical. Make time for you and time to recharge a conscious priority and start reaping the benefits. You deserve it.
Big love
You understand the concept of charging your phone. If it’s got a low battery, you plug it in and leave it to recharge. It can sometimes be slower to function if the battery is low and it can’t do anything if the battery is flat...but, do you consider the same principles with yourself?
Just like a phone battery holds a certain amount of energy, so do you. Every day you wake up, you have an amount of energy to expend during that day, and this is important to understand.
In our society, we’ve been conditioned that we should run at full speed - all the time. It perpetuates that when you are busy and your days are full, that you are more valuable, important and worthy - but, here’s the thing. You are all of those things and more regardless of how busy you are. Because of this way of thinking and being, we have a society that is constantly tired, relying on things outside of themself to give them energy such as drinks, sugar and other stimulants. Whilst these things may boost your energy levels for a short time, you end up crashing back down at some point. First off, these quick fixes aren’t healthy for you, or your body and secondly, if you ‘crash,’ is it really that effective?
If you think of your life as a bucket that holds your energy, when you are not managing your energy properly, it’s a bit like having a hole in your bucket! No matter how much you pour in, you’ll never catch up (sound a bit like your sleeping habits?!) Being continually exhausted isn’t success, and you don’t have to settle for it.
Remember, the goal for your life isn’t to be running at full speed all the time. Just like nature ebbs and flows, so do you. Be mindful of that and do your best to work with it, particularly as a creative.
Take time to rest and relax throughout your day. Research shows that regular periods of rest melt your stress away. Taking time out to practice things like yoga and meditation for example also lower heart rates, blood pressure and oxygen consumption, along with alleviating hypertension, arthritis, insomnia, depression, infertility, cancer and anxiety.
If you’re thinking that your busy schedule doesn’t allow for time for you, I want you to understand that this doesn’t have to be hours and hours a day. Even 10 minutes in meditation a day can drastically change your world. Schedule the time for you in the same way that you schedule your time for auditions, studio time, training etc. And, if you’re still not convinced, consider this. If you don’t find the time to rest and recharge, how long will it be before your body gives up and you’re resigned to ill health? Do you have time for that?
Your battery, just like your phone battery needs to be recharged. Doing this regularly will help you to centre and align yourself and less prone to the downward spiral of thoughts and feelings that can lead to all sorts of health issues.
Your health is important - mental and physical. Make time for you and time to recharge a conscious priority and start reaping the benefits. You deserve it.
Big love
© Copyright 2023 | Jade Stoner