Welcome to the Soul Growth Podcast.
Your go to podcast for all things spirituality, mindset and lifestyle.
Expect soul shifting content, straight talking realness and a whole lotta love, so that you can break the cycles keeping you stuck and unfulfilled, heal and create inner success.
It’s time for you to live a life that doesn’t just look good on social media, but one that feels even more beautiful on the inside too.
Learning to follow the voice of your soul and creating the life you're being called to, is not always easy. In this episode of Soul Growth, Jade's getting into the importance of being mindful when it comes to who you surround yourself with, how your relationships may be keeping you stuck, and learning to listen to your inner knowing with who, and what you allow into your life.
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Summary of episode 24.
From friendships to love relationships and business partnerships, the company we keep can either boost our growth journey or stagnate us.
Let's discuss how to healthily navigate these connections, especially for if you're an entrepreneur.
1️⃣ Discernment: Understand when it’s time to let go of relationships—whether personal or professional. We often stick around longer than necessary due to loyalty or fear of loneliness. It’s crucial to acknowledge when a relationship is no longer serving us.
2️⃣ Overcoming Codependency: Many are unconsciously codependent in their relationships. This often leads to maintaining unhealthy relations due to an inability to be alone.
3️⃣ Solitude for Growth: If you’re forced to be alone, embrace it as an opportunity for growth. Though initially uncomfortable, solitude could birth amazing personal and professional development.
4️⃣ Recognizing Toxicity: Identify relationships that are subtly toxic. It's not always about blatant negativity; sometimes it’s about compatibility and alignment of values and goals.
5️⃣ Networking with Purpose: Find your tribe – look for online clubs or memberships focused on your interest or business area. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who understand and support your journey.
6️⃣ Avoiding Success Sabotage: Beware of unconscious self-sabotage stemming from the fear of outshining your peers. Surround yourself with positive influences that celebrate your success and push you to achieve more. A journey of personal growth and entrepreneurial success can be long and lonely, but with the right tribe around you, it's a journey worth taking. 🚀 Remember, change takes time and patience. The transition may involve some grieving for lost relationships, but trust the process. Your personal growth is at stake! 💡
The moral of this episode is - don't settle for less when it comes to your relationships, because your you and your personal growth are worth more than that!
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Jade Stoner is a Spiritual Life Coach, Entrepreneur and host of the Soul Growth Podcast. For over 10 years, Jade has been obsessed with personal and spiritual growth and combined with her lived wisdom, and training as a master coach, Jade has created a global, trauma informed brand that empowers women and men to create inner success and live the life their soul is calling them to. She believes that we are all made for more.
Jade has featured on multiple podcasts sharing her message, and her work has been published in Medium, Elephant Journal and Thrive Global. When she’s not in work mode, Jade spends her time enjoying the simple things that make her happy. She lives in the UK with her son, Jayden.
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